Learn & Grow Your Skills From Anywhere
An innovative methodology tailored made for secondary schools that will support cross-sectorial synergies and facilitate the integration at school of new technologies and non-formal education approaches.
- to support the continuous professional development of secondary school teachers and educators by increasing the international training opportunities on digital innovative STEAM-oriented edutainment practices
- to provide STEAM-oriented edutainment resources for secondary school teachers and educators to turn into actions the ECCE LUDUS methodology
- to secure a long-term alliance between schools and the third and edutainment sector by creating an innovative EU HUB of Edutainment.
- an innovative methodology tailored made for secondary schools that will support cross-sectorial synergies and facilitate the integration at school of new technologies and non-formal education approaches
- an Online Training Course for Secondary School Teachers and Educators
- an Edutainment Tool composed of an editor of virtual reality escape rooms on STEAM and a complementary set of
activities to be applied in classroom - one edu-escape room focused on STEM
- an EU HUB.

The Best Results
of Ecce Ludus

Edutainment Tool
an Edutainment Tool composed of an editor of virtual reality escape rooms on STEAM

EU HUB for School
a complementary set of activities to be applied in classroom & edu-escape room focused on STEM